We got to go to our first Colorado Rockies game with some people that Daniel works with. It was hot, but we had a lot of fun. I do have to say it is just not the same as a St. Louis Cardinals game.
Pictures from the Royal Gorge Pikes Peak National Forest
Here are some pictures from our outings in Colorado.
Rockie Mountain National Park
Meet Mable and Nola
Hi my name is Mable and I am a 1 and 1/2 year old Cairn Terrier
My name is Nola and I am a 10 month old Cairn Terrier
We are the parents Daniel and Lisa We just moved to Denver, Colorado from St. Louis, MO. We love it here so far. It is a little dry, but that is ok because the girls don't like the rain anyway. Stay tuned for more adventures in Colorado.
I am 24 year old Missouri native. I now live in Denver,CO with my wonderful husband of 2 years Daniel. We are high school sweethearts, which not many people can say. We have two Cairn Terriers Mable and Nola and a little one on the way. I love to be outdoors with my family hiking, camping, or playing in the snow.I am really excited to be a first time mom, although I already feel like a mother to my two dogs and sometimes my husband. :) I miss my family tremendously but love all the wonderful sites that Colorado has to offer.