Wednesday, December 2, 2009

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!

We found out yesterday that we are having a little baby girl. She weighes one pound and her heart rate was 159 yesterday and 154 today. I had my regular checkup today and everything was normal. The doctor said everything looked normal on the ultrasound except that the measurements on the ultrasound and the measurement of my belly are around 22 weeks and not 20 weeks, so we are moving my due date up to April 6. I have gained 5 more pounds this month which is what I gained last month, so I am at 124lbs right now which is good. I hope I can keep the same pace. We also found out yesterday that this little girl is very stubborn. Must be the Helbig and Grannemann in her. She wouldn't give us a profile pic and kept hiding feet and hands from the ultrasound tech when she would try to get a good picture. The tech was poking all around on my belly trying to get her to change positions and she wouldn't do it.

Hiking in Keystone

I went for a hike with my friend Denise and her dog Emma. I am not as fast as I used to be but it was still fun to get out and get some fresh air. We were suppose to go snow shoeing, but there wasn't enough snow for snowshoes.